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How to Improve B2B Website Forms to Generate More Leads

Make your web forms seem less like an interrogation and more like an introduction.

We’ve all been innocently perusing a website, when all of a sudden, we’re prompted to submit some kind of personal information. While sometimes this can be as simple as entering an email for a mailing list, or to stay up-to-date with current deals and offers, other times it can be invasive, and sometimes downright annoying. The trick to improving your B2B website forms to generate more leads is to position your form as being both as stress-free, and rewarding as possible. We know, that may sound like having your cake and eating it too, but don’t worry! Here are a few tips to get your forms into fighting shape:

1. Understand the function of forms

Forms are the key to your landing page, without them there really isn’t a way to capture contact information from visitors. By prompting a simple, no-stress form, it allows visitors to sign-up, subscribe, or download additional content without exerting too much effort. Forms are also a must when offering your visitors consistent, quality content. Part of positioning your B2B website as a successful, go-to authority on your specific industry or niche is offering helpful pieces of information that will continuously enlighten your visitors. Optimizing your forms to convert more visitors into leads is an important part of moving visitors through the buyers journey.

2. Don't ask for too much

When you start brainstorming which kinds of information you’re after (names, addresses, emails, etc) it’s important to understand that there isn’t a magic number or combination. Typically, the best balance is collecting only information that you really need. For example, if your B2B website sells bicycle components to bike shops, you’d probably want to prompt an e-news form that sends out an update of your available, and discounted products—simple, with an immediate reward. Also, it’s important to note that the fewer fields you have in your form, the more likely you are to receive conversions. When a visitor is confronted with a long form it can sometimes look like too much work, and be avoided all together. However, the more fields you require, the better quality leads you’re going to develop. While each approach varies depending on your business, and or customer base, the best way of improving your B2B website forms to generate more leads is to test each method.

3. Tell them what they get and add value

When developing your forms, it’s also important to think about the perceived value—the more value, the more information someone will provide. If it’s just a newsletter, only ask for an email (and maybe a name at most). However, if you’re promoting a giveaway, or something with a more tangible reward, a longer form is acceptable.

4. Make it stress-free

These days’ people are more resistant to giving out their information to businesses¬–mostly because they don’t want spam. If your form even gives the slightest hint of being a possible gateway to a flooded inbox, they’re going to avoid it. Make sure to add a privacy message, or link to your privacy policy that ensures them you’re not going to share, or sell their email.

5. Be specific

Instead of using words like “submit,” or “register,” use content specific copy, like “Download whitepaper,” “Get your free eBook,” or “Join our newsletter.”

6. Provide instant gratification

When improving your B2B websites forms to generate more leads you’ll also want to make sure that whatever content you’re offering (if it’s something like an eBook, or whitepaper) is immediately downloadable. Include a link in the next page to download your offer, or send an auto-responder email containing the link. It’s always recommended that the information is given right away—no one likes digging through an email to find content.

Improve Your B2B Website Forms to Generate More Leads to Spark Growth

A business website may be the most important factor in your inbound marketing strategy, but it’s more than just having a website, it’s the integration of SEO, social media, blogging, content, CTAs, and landing pages that will drive traffic, leads, and sales. After all, it is these components that generate sales and revenue for your business. Inbound marketing is the key to filling your sales funnel with qualified leads, and your website is where education, engagement, and conversion take place.

Follow these guidelines, and you will soon have a great website that generates traffic, leads, and sales. But don’t stop there. A website never truly stops growing. Keep learning and stay tuned for more updates from your favorite digital marketing agency.

If you want more website redesign must-haves that will generate leads and improve sales download our eBook, 26 Website Redesign Must-Haves for Driving Traffic, Leads, and Sales.


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