Keep Your Marketing Fresh With This Summer Marketing Checklist

How's your marketing performing? Summertime is the perfect mid-year check-in!
Now is a great time to kick back and review YTD reports. Grab a tall glass of ice tea and take a moment to relish in the wins and identify deficiencies. Is your website getting a steady stream of traffic? Are those visitors converting into leads? Do you need more top-of-the-funnel content offers or more email subscribers? If you're not meeting your goals or on target to reach them, dig a little deeper to find out why. Begin to formulate solutions and make plans for adjustments.
Here are a few other summer marketing checklist items to add to your mid-year evaluation.
Review Your Goals, Stats, and Reports, Then Ask Yourself These Questions:
- Am I doing everything necessary now to prepare for our fall and winter campaigns?- Are my current strategies and campaigns working?
- In general, am I meeting my marketing goals?
Touch Base With Each Team Member
With winter blues and spring showers behind, schedule time to meet with your team members individually to see how they're doing. Taking time out of your busy schedule not only shows that you care but helps to keep your team and their needs at the forefront of your mind. Use this time to thank individuals for their hard work — let them know they're appreciated!Ask these questions to glean valuable information.
- How are you doing? Give them the opportunity to talk about their personal wellbeing. Don't press for information, but listen if they're willing to share.
- What were your biggest accomplishments in the past five months? Once they report, be sure to offer praise!
- What are your goals for the next three months? Hopefully, they have goals in mind, but if not, this is an opportunity to either challenge them to set goals or help them to identify potential goals.
- What are your biggest challenges right now? Allow room for questions, complaints, and concerns.
- Is there anything I can do to help you meet your goals or alleviate your challenges? Let this be open ended. If they can't give you a definitive answer, perhaps check back at a later time.
Delight Customers
Next up on the summer marketing checklist: delighting customers! Use this high-spirited season to do something extraordinary for your customers. Perhaps offer an exclusive summer-only deal, promote a flash sale, run a contest, or give away swag. Choose something that will make your customers feel valued and special.If you're an agency with clients, consider mailing a handwritten appreciation note, dropping off an inexpensive thank you gift, or posting a nice comment on their business Facebook Page. Delighting doesn’t have to be burdensome; it can be a simple gesture that communicates to your client that you’re thinking of them.
Organize a Team Volunteer Day
Volunteering at a local nonprofit or participating in Community Days (or hosting your own!) can go a long way in proving your company’s dedication to the success and health of the community. Plus it's a great way to unify your team. You could rally the troops and conquer a half-day work project for a local charity or rescue mission. The possibilities are endless.
Host an Open House
Within the next few sun-sational months, add it to your summer marketing checklist to host an open house. Now that the sun is out, and the temperature is pleasant, open your doors for a couple of hours or a whole day. Invite customers, clients, and the community in so they can see firsthand what your company does, then encourage them to hang out for a bit. Set up a hospitality table full of themed goodies and personalized swag for any and all who stop in.
Take a Vacation
If you have vacations days, USE THEM! Vacations have been proven to improve physical, mental, and emotional health, increase productivity, lower chances of burn out, and serve as a reminder that life is more than work. While ten days is the ideal getaway length, anything will do. To refresh, unplug, and relax!
Your Turn! Make Your Own Summer Marketing Checklist!
If you implement the items on this summer marketing checklist, this summer has the potential to be the best one yet!
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