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Marketing for Manufacturers: Brand Visibility and the Buyers Journey

Increasing brand awareness has been an ongoing challenge in marketing for manufacturers since the beginning of time. As more and more companies get into the manufacturing sector, there is a continual need to assert your product and build visibility for potential customers. This task is compounded when it comes to business to business marketing, where you have to make your products and services apparent to the highest level executives who are making the purchasing decisions for their company, while proving that your product is both of superior quality and greater value than the competition.

Get Online

If there is one thing that has become nearly universal among successful companies these days, it is having an online presence. A well designed website that details your products is a gateway to better customer relations. Your website and online advertising actually works on two different fronts to reach potential buyers at different stages in the buyer's journey. First of all, they may happen upon your name while looking at related products, which can open a conversation about how their company might benefit from what you are selling. On the other hand, if the decision making branch is already trying to solve a problem, they may come upon you through online searches.


Within specific industries, there are often a number of different professional organizations and manufacturing trade groups that serve to keep everyone connected. Figuring out how your product can serve one industry can allow you to create a connection with a business close to you, and then get your foot in the door. Once your first sale is made, you can often ask for referrals or more information about the professional associations that exist where these companies seek out one another to discuss trade secrets and gather ideas. It only takes one impromptu brand ambassador to mention your name in a room full of open ears, and suddenly you have access to lots of buying power. By focusing your marketing on solving a specific set of problems for each group of customers within an industry you can create a customized campaign that is well targeted and direct for each group that you interact with.

Make Yourself Visible

In addition to networking through professional and industry specific organizations, you should also take advantage of opportunities to make yourself more visible to the customer. Trade shows and expos, along with in-house product demonstrations can give you the edge over competition. This is an important means of marketing for manufacturers in the B2B sector because they have fewer opportunities to relate to their buyers through retail stores and other traditional displays. You may only have a few chances a year to put your products directly into their hands and let them find the value, but this is a great way to dazzle potential buyers while they are part of a captive audience.

With the prevalence of open communication sources that exist today, marketing for manufacturers does not have to be a complex task. There are now more avenues available than ever before to reach the people who are really in charge of making purchasing decisions. By building a great website and social media presence, and connecting with early adopters who will help you network within their industry, you should be able to create a solid awareness of your products and business quickly and efficiently. Taking things one step further with trade shows and product demos is the last step in building your name for anyone who wants more information or wants to see your products in action before buying.

Modern Marketing

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